Marimba Trio #1 ~ Abyssal Creatures ~
"Marimba Trio #1 ~ Abyssal Creatures ~"
composed by Tetsuya Takeno (2015)
Performed by Struck Percussion
Adam Rappel, David Birrow, Bojan Hoover
Recorded at the University of Minnesota Twin-Cities, 2018
Audio recording and mixing camera by Michael Duffy
Audio Mixing & Mastering by Tetsuya Takeno and Michael Duffy
Video Edited by Tetsuya Takeno
Percussive Notes, Vol. 58, No. 1, February 2020, p.61
Difficulty: V
This three-section work uses metric modulation to take the musical material through a number of different tempos, from a slow cannon at the beginning through faster speeds as each modulation occurs, finally returning to the opening material. The piece requires only two-mallet technique from all players, and while three marimbas can be used, the composer provides modifications so that Players 1 and 3 can share a 5-octave instrument.
Utilizing a number of different textures including dead strokes, ghost notes, use of the mallet shaft on bars, and playing the end boards (with options to use a muted tom-tom or bongo), the composer creates a number of interesting colors. Other techniques include a polyrhythmic and polymetric sections as well as unison areas and more traditional homophonic writing.
Tetsuya Takeno has created an interesting contribution to the repertoire with this piece. With the analysis given by the composer on how the piece is put together, it would have been nice to get some insight into why the piece was writ-ten or the significance of the title. Regardless, the roughly eight-minute piece will fit well on an undergraduate or graduate percussion ensemble program.
—Brian Nozny